
This is now 17 months since the first medical results were received. I am feeling well with no symptoms, which is a very good state to be reporting. I had another PSA test last week and the score was 1.2– not an alarming level at all.

To recap the PSA-tracking story, it was 266 in August of 2010, moved down to 91 after 6 weeks of strict diet and natural remedies, then further down to <.1 after 10 weeks of testosterone-blocking hormone therapy (daily Casodex pill, monthly Lupron shot). It stayed at <.1 for 9 months of that therapy which stopped in late July 2011 because the side effects were becoming less tolerable (muscle weakness and lack of coordination). Natural strategies were continued the whole time and are still being used daily. After the hormone therapy the PSA score began to rise, from <.1 to .4 in October 2011 and now 1.2, still well short of the level considered alarming (which is 4). The doctor says this is a time to periodically check to figure out where the number levels off.

My next tests will be in late April, including PSA and also lung x-ray and abdominal ultrasound. This will serve as a check-in with the original diagnosis of lung and bone involvement.

Meanwhile I am staying with the program as shown on the strategies page, tweaking some items mainly due to constraints of time and money. But the basics of strict diet, supplements, herbs, exercise and oxygen therapies are still very much primary in my daily experience and probably will continue to be so for the foreseeable future. I have settled in to the rhythm of it all and do not find it burdensome except for feeling short of time.

I am hearing from more and more fellow travelers on the cancer path and I am happy to share and support to whatever degree I can. Recently I was given a new book that I highly recommend for cancer adventurers and everyone else: “Me, My Cells and I,” by Dave Ames. It is exceptionally easy to read and generally in alignment with my conclusions from all my study.

I am also continuing to feel supported by family and friends, in many ways and I want to again say a hearty “thank you” to all who are helping!

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